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We were unable to find a Skuid Page named MyPage. The Page is either inaccessible or does not exist. If you believe you should be able to view this Skuid Page, ask your System Administrator to check the Sharing Model for the Page object to ensure that you have access to this Skuid Page.

Users have skuid licenses and page viewer permission set.

Please follow the steps described in the error message. You are getting this error because the users viewing this Skuid Page do not have record-level access to the Skuid Pages. I would recommend setting the Organization-wide Default Sharing Setting for the Page object to be “Public Read Only”, which will allow all internal users to access all Skuid Pages read-only. 

Please see this doc for more details:

I am having the same error as well. I tried the documentation above but still no luck.

Hi NLove, can you share more about your use case here?

Make sure the user has a Skuid license and the Skuid page viewer permission set.

Are you using Skuid just in Salesforce or in a public facing site or community?