A little adaptation of http://help.skuid.com/m/11720/l/205447-skuid-model-model#loadAllRemainingRecords
All this inline script to any page, and it will load all the records for the first model of the page and display the nice loading messages. This is handy if you have a list view page and want to load all the rows, but you want to do it in chunks to avoid heap size limits.
I made it generic so I could reuse the same static resource on multiple pages.
(function(skuid){<br>var $ = skuid.$;<br>$(document.body).one('pageload',function(){<br> var model = skuid.model.list()(0];<br> $.blockUI({ message: 'Loading all available '+model.label+'...' });<br> model.loadAllRemainingRecords({<br> stepCallback: function(offsetStart,offsetEnd) {<br> $.blockUI({ message: 'Loading ' + model.label + ' ' + offsetStart + ' to ' + offsetEnd + '...' });<br> },<br> finishCallback: function(totalRecordsRetrieved) {<br> $.blockUI({ message: 'Finished loading all ' + totalRecordsRetrieved + ' ' + model.labelPlural +'!', timeout: 2000 });<br> }<br> });<br>});<br>})(skuid);