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If I upgrade to Spark V2 12.1.5 do I also get the fixes for Millau v1 11.2.24?

Bill, by upgrading to Spark release, the functionality of your V1 pages should be unchanged. Yes, any bug fixes that were made in Millau 11.2.24 to behavior of V1 pages are also included in the Spark release. The Spark release does not convert your V1 pages into V2 pages — the V1 pages continue to be V1 pages, and the functionality of V1 pages in 12.x (Spark release) should be basically the same as for V1 pages in Millau (11.2.x). We’ve added a few minor new features to V1 in Spark, but with Spark one of our intentional decisions was to add Page API Versioning, so that we could have V1 pages continue to work as they have previously while introducing huge new changes in V2 pages, which are only available with Spark.

Whenever there is a bug fix found that would apply to V1 pages in Millau, we will include those fixes for V1 pages in Spark.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Zack.  Any chance of adding the functionality of Before First Open, After First Open, Before Open, After Open, Before Close, After Close “Action” to “Wrapper” or “Response Grid” or “Form”?

The most important being “Before First Open” and “Before Open”

I have used the TGF functionality in hundreds of places and would love to go to V2.  Any chance of helping Barry?