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The problem is with Rich Text Fields in Popups in Edit mode by default.

<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" showheader="true"> <models> <model id="Account" limit="1" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" datasource="salesforce" sobject="Account"> <fields> <field id="RecordTypeId"/> <field id="Account_Notes__c"/> </fields> <conditions/> <actions/> </model> </models> <components> <pagetitle model="Account" uniqueid="sk-qqE-514"> <maintitle> <template>{{Name}}</template> </maintitle> <subtitle> <template>{{Model.label}}</template> </subtitle> <actions> <action type="multi" label="Edit Mode" uniqueid="sk-qqE-520"> <actions> <action type="showPopup"> <popup title="New Popup" width="90%"> <components> <social model="Account" uniqueid="sk-qqP-610"/> <basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="true" showerrorsinline="true" model="Account" uniqueid="sk-qqL-597" mode="edit"> <columns> <column width="50%" uniqueid="sk-qqL-593"> <sections> <section title="Section A" uniqueid="sk-qqL-594" collapsible="no"> <fields> <field uniqueid="sk-qqQ-619" id="Account_Notes__c"/> </fields> </section> </sections> </column> <column width="50%" uniqueid="sk-qqL-595"> <sections> <section title="Section B" uniqueid="sk-qqL-596"> <fields/> </section> </sections> </column> </columns> </basicfieldeditor> </components> </popup> </action> </actions> </action> <action type="multi" label="Read Mode" uniqueid="sk-qqE-524"> <actions> <action type="showPopup"> <popup title="New Popup" width="90%"> <components> <social model="Account" uniqueid="sk-qqV-651"/> <basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="true" showerrorsinline="true" model="Account" uniqueid="sk-qqU-638" mode="read"> <columns> <column width="50%" uniqueid="sk-qqU-634"> <sections> <section title="Section A" uniqueid="sk-qqU-635" collapsible="no"> <fields> <field uniqueid="sk-qqW-660" id="Account_Notes__c"/> </fields> </section> </sections> </column> <column width="50%" uniqueid="sk-qqU-636"> <sections> <section title="Section B" uniqueid="sk-qqU-637"> <fields/> </section> </sections> </column> </columns> </basicfieldeditor> </components> </popup> </action> </actions> </action> </actions> </pagetitle> </components> <resources> <labels/> <javascript/> <css/> <actionsequences uniqueid="sk-qpO-327"/> </resources> <styles> <styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/> </styles> </skuidpage> 

Hi Pat, thank you for the XML. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as if I could reproduce any issue on the page.
Please reply to the following:

  1. Which Skuid version is currently installed?

  2. What kind of field type is your custom field "Account_Notes__c "?

  3. What do you see when you click the button “Edit Mode”, could you add a screenshot?

  4. What do you see when you click the button “Read Mode”, could you add a screenshot?

Thanks! Luzie

Account_Notes__c is rich text. Try this and lemeno.

Thanks Pat, seems like I’m still missing more information. What is the actual issue that you observe? When add a rich text field to the Field Editors in the popups and click one of the two buttons, the resp. popup opens and the Field Editor is visible in the resp. mode.

Please reply to the following:

  1. Which Skuid version is currently installed?

  2. What do you see when you click the button “Edit Mode”, could you add a screenshot?

  3. What do you see when you click the button “Read Mode”, could you add a screenshot?


Video w/ music. 😉

Thanks Pat 😃 now this makes sense, and I could reproduce the issue.
