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We want to notify you that, after upgrading to or installing the Skuid 11.1.1 version, some customers are encountering a server-side error (see image below) when trying to edit the Sharing Settings in the Salesforce setup menu.

We are aware of this issue and are jointly troubleshooting it with Salesforce. An update will be provided here in 12-24 hours.

Update on 11.1.1 Issue
This Salesforce known issue of not being able to Edit the Sharing Settings from the Salesforce setup menu is affecting the Skuid 11.1.1 version. Until this issue is resolved, we have removed the install links for 11.1.1. When we have confirmed that this issue is no longer affecting the latest Skuid release, we will re-post the new links and update the Skuid community.

What should you do?

  • Wanting to install Skuid or upgrade to the latest release? We recommend installing 11.0.6 as this and prior versions of Skuid are NOT affected by this Salesforce issue. 

  • Currently running 11.0.6 or a previous version of Skuid? Thankfully, it’s business as usual for you as you are NOT affected by this issue.

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes you and thank you in advance for your patience as we await Salesforce’s fix for this issue.


Quick Update
We have confirmed that Salesforce’s spring ’18 patch 10 that hit production orgs yesterday did indeed resolve the issue.

When can I check out the new 11.1.X?
Glad you asked! We will be posting the new 11.1.3 install links on Tuesday which includes a number of other important fixes.

Apologies for the delay … We are excited to announce that 11.1.3 release (as well as the 10.0.17 and 11.0.8 releases) are now live on the Skuid releases page. Salesforce’s Spring ’18 Patch did resolve the issue with Sharing Settings so please let us know if you encounter any issues with this. Please make sure you check out the accompanying release notes for 11.1.3 and 10.0.17.

Thank you all for your patience as we worked through this together!
