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Skuid Page create on Campaign Tab, and At SubTab level showing Campaign members. 

There, we have status field which we want to push the values from CampaignMemberStatus - “Label” field.

Create inline snippet for same  - 

    var element = argumentsa0],value = skuid.utils.decodeHTML(argumentsa1]),$ = skuid.$;

    console.log(‘#####’+ arguments#0]);

//Get Campaign Member model information

    var campMembermodel = skuid.model.getModel(“CampaignMembers”);


    //Fetch first row of Lead info.

    var raw= campMembermodel.getFirstRow();


    // Get Status field value

    var statusModel=raw.Status;


   alert(‘#####’+ statusModel);


 console.log(‘I am in CampMember Snippet’);




    // Perform query on Campaign Member Status on basis of CampaignId

    var result = sforce.connection.query(“SELECT Id,Label,CampaignId,IsDefault,HasResponded From CampaignMemberStatus where CampaignId = ‘7012G000001Fh8B’”);



    var Att = result.getArray(“records”);


    console.log(‘Length’+ Att);




  // Create a array for Custom Picklist

var picklistEntries = ;

picklistEntries = element.metadata.picklistEntries;

// if you don’t do this, then the “real” values are already in the picklist and the code below will add duplicate values

picklistEntries.length = 0;     

        for(var a=0;a<Att.length;a++){


            picklistEntries.push({ value:Attva].Label , label:Attta].Label, defaultValue:Atta].IsDefault, active: true  });


alert(‘Picklist’+ picklistEntries);



Error I am getting in console log - “Can not read metadata of undefined” for this line - picklistEntries = element.metadata.picklistEntries;

Can you please help us the same asap.


Hi Rajat, we were also looking into this and were wondering if this should be a workaround for your other issue that you posted here:
If yes, maybe we can solve your other issue together and this JS is longer necessary for your page.
If not, were do you use this field, as a field renderer?
