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I have an action sequence built (see below) that has multiple branches that all are set whenfinished=stop. When I use this action sequence on a button, there doesn’t seem to be much respect for the ‘stop’. How can I ensure the stop is respected?

{{$Input.Current Model}}






Hi Scott, thanks for sharing the XML for your action sequence.

  • What version of Skuid are you using? I recall in one org you had upgraded to 12.2.17, is that the case for this issue?

  • Are you building in API v1 or v2?

  • You mentioned the stops aren’t getting respected when the action sequence is surfaced via a button. Are the stops respected in other scenarios?

  • Try having your action sequence show a message with the merge formulas e.g. {{$Input.Current Model}} or create a Javascript snippet to print them to the console. This way you can make sure these variables are bringing in the correct values,
