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Not sure if possible but trying to aggregate a table and concatenate a text field as per this example

Does anyone know of a way this can be done?

The part I’m having a hard time with is the Concatenation of the Description field as shown below


UIOnly and JS would work.

Hi Pat, and thank you, any pointers to get me started? Preferably the UI option would be best as i’m a JS noob 🙂

Er … the model would be the easy part as you already know what fields you’d need.

For the JS you would loop through the records to create records in the UIOnly model. I prefer jquery each function.

I can pair code with you sometime via GTM. Lemeno.

Hey Dave, here’s the XML for a V2 page that will do this for you

<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning=“yes” personalizationmode=“server” showsidebar=“true” showheader=“true” theme=“Ink”>






<skuid__wrapper uniqueid=“sk-3n-v-15033”>

<skuid__table showSaveCancel=“false” uniqueid=“sk-3n_G-5012” model=“SourceModel” mode=“read” title=“Source Data” styleSettingsVariant=“default” pageSize=“10”>


<skuid__table showSaveCancel=“false” uniqueid=“sk-3n_I-8780” model=“AggregateModel” mode=“readonly” title=“Aggregated Data” styleSettingsVariant=“default” pageSize=“10” sortOnClient=“true”>



var sourceModel = skuid.$M(“SourceModel”);

var aggModel = skuid.$M(“AggregateModel”);

var aggRowsByGroup = {};

var aggRows = ;

sourceModel.getRows().forEach(function(row) {

var groupNumber = row.GroupNumber;

var groupRow = aggRowsByGroupogroupNumber];

if (!groupRow) {

groupRow = aggRowsByGroupggroupNumber] = {

GroupNumber: groupNumber,

NumberOfItems: 1,

Descriptions: row.Description,

PriceTotal: row.Price,



} else {

groupRow.NumberOfItems = groupRow.NumberOfItems + 1;

groupRow.Descriptions = groupRow.Descriptions + ", " + row.Description;

groupRow.PriceTotal = groupRow.PriceTotal + row.Price;






{ GroupNumber: 1, Description: “Apple”, Price: 1 },

{ GroupNumber: 1, Description: “Bananas”, Price: 2 },

{ GroupNumber: 1, Description: “Apples”, Price: 1 },

{ GroupNumber: 2, Description: “Apple”, Price: 1 },

{ GroupNumber: 2, Description: “Potato”, Price: 3 },

{ GroupNumber: 2, Description: “Tomato”, Price: 1 },

{ GroupNumber: 2, Description: “Potatoes”, Price: 4 },

{ GroupNumber: 3, Description: “Cereals”, Price: 3 },

{ GroupNumber: 3, Description: “Cereal”, Price: 3 },

