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Are we sure this:

If an incoming row does not contain an Id, then Skuid will generate a unique Id for the row.

is still true for adoptRows? Have been working through everyone's solutions (thanks btw 😉 ). But adopting exact fieldNames etc... the api doesn't seem to be generating Id's.


Hi Arne-Per,

Do you happen to have a page or snippet that demonstrates this? How are you setting the incoming row up so it doesn’t have an id?

Hi Mark! I will put one together as the current one is using  custom objects. In v1 it was creating an id in __Skuid and also in v2 (Symbol) Id but not one that provided the same recognition for the table as .createRow().  I will have something up in the next day. Thanks for the reply!

Hi Mark, Below is an sample page with basic snippet and a shot of it executed. It adds Symbol (Record ), Symbol: (Id) but Id is in form of sk-3hgk-1468 not the same as sk-temp-record-id-3hiJ-1532 nor in the Row Id Side question: What is the new "Symbol" notation? Thanks for any insight. Cheers, AP 

                                                 //test adopt rows // var params= arguments[0], $ = skuid.$, targetModel = skuid.$M('Accounts'), addedRow, temp=[]; temp.push({AccountNumber: 'L15657', Description: 'This is a test'}); temp.push({AccountNumber: 'M9999', Description: 'Still another test'}); // console.log(temp); addedRow = targetModel.adoptRows(temp); console.log('this is adopted row', addedRow); //note adds Symbol (Record ), Symbol: (Id) //but Id is in form of sk-3hgk-1468 //not the same as sk-temp-record-id-3hiJ-1532 nor in row Id field          ```

Forgot to mention v2 12.4.5
