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This error occurs when I attempt to add a new Chatter Free user. Here’s a screenshot of the error.

Hi Larry,

It looks like your Skuid installation is set up to automatically assign a Skuid package license to new users. This user’s Salesforce license doesn’t allow for the necessary permissions, which leads to the error you see. 

You can address this by changing the organization default behavior of the auto-assign features for your Skuid package. Do this within the Skuid app, under the Configure tab >> “Licensing / Permissions” subtab:

You can either temporarily disable this feature whenever you’re creating Chatter Free Users, or you can configure profile-specific behavior that will cover various scenarios you expect to encounter in this org. You may also need to disable the permission set auto-assignment option.

Hi Mark,

That was the problem and now all sorted. Thank you very much.
Kind Regards