This is a bug or a nuisance.
I have a button on a page. The button has 3 actions. I expect the actions to occur in the sequence specified:
The Message is not displayed until AFTER the snippet runs AND the modal is displayed. (For what it’s worth, the modal contains only a Page-Include component.
The purpose of the BLOCK UI WITH MESSAGE action is to have the user WAIT while the snippet runs. The snippet includes a “skuid.$.unblockUI();” statement to release the UI.
IN ADDITION, the Page-Include is basically a Calendar component, which loads VERY SLOWLY in V2. I now want to bypass the unblockUI() function in the snippet and execute it instead when the calendar
model is queried. I’ve added an action to the model, but that action runs TWICE, although the model is only supposed to be queried by the calendar. The simple “unblockUI()” snippet now includes logic to determine if the last model condition came from the composer or the calendar (sourceendlimit). But if the BlockUI-Message doesn’t get displayed at the right time, the behavior is hard to predict.