Specifically, how do I get current page url and models in v2?
In v1, I could use $Site.CurrentSiteUrl to the URL, and to get the model I could use skuid.$M(modelName).
For v2, the documentation doesn’t seem like it has been updated, but I haven’t been able to use what I could before or what I can see in documentation. I have only been able to find the following way, to get page URL skuid.runtime.getPageList()s0].page.currentSiteUrl, and to get model skuid.runtime.getPageList()s0].$M(modelName).
Also, I have a problem of getting URL with new way, If I use the new way ({{skuid.runtime.getPageList()s0].page.currentSiteUrl}}apex/skuid__ui?page=PageName) with Navigation Component then I get stacking ‘/apex’ in url if I keep switching between navigations, e.g. (https://sandboxName-cs-portal.cs88.force.com/Community/apex/apex/apex/apex/skuid__ui?page=PageName).
If this is the only way, when would I get more than one page, how are the pages sorted, is there a time when I wouldn’t get a page, and why are there this extra steps compared to before,
Though, I would appreciate a better way.
Thank you,