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For the past 4 years, we've been using a Service Account for our K2 installation in Azure. 

However, I've recently learned that Microsoft plans to enforce the use of Service Principals for most SaaS applications within Azure starting next year (At least there is a discussion on enforcing MFA if it is using Service account). 

Therefore, I'd like to proactively address this change to prevent any potential technical issues we might face with K2 Cloud that is being installed in Azure using Service accounts. Reference:


We would like to get some insights on the steps we need to take to transition our K2 installation from using a Service Account to a Service Principal (if applicable). Even if it is still using Service accounts, we still want to have insights on what is going to happen when we enable MFA on the service account that installed K2 on Azure tenant. Will some services be blocked due to MFA or other impacts. 

Thank you.

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