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I want to know if anyone has lost a workflow?

We had a workflow for one of our processes but when I logged in to make a change it has gone missing. The workflow list is empty. I do have a download of the nwp file and when I imported it and published it the system stated that a workflow already exists with the same name.

Firstly, can anyone tell me how I can try to find the workflow (the Nintex nwp file)?

Secondly, I can't locate the workflow in the SharePoint site - can someone direct me to  the right place for it?


Thanks in advance.

Hi Paul Scyner‌,

1. Can you check in the location "yoursiteurl/_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/WorkflowGallery.aspx".

2.If it is not present there can you check your list workflow settings and see whether your workflow is in active or not.


If it is active, try to remove it.

And import your workflow, rename it and publish it again and see this time whether your workflow is appearing in list or not.


Hi ‌,

Is the workflow present on the following page?:

Site Actions > Site Settings > Nintex Workflow | Workflow Gallery



Hi ‌,

I'm not sure where it is you are referring to but when I check SharePoint Site Settings > Site Admin > Workflow settings there isn't anything showing. Also, if its the Nintex workflow > Workflow Gallery there isn't anything showing there either.



I meant the Nintex Gallery yes. I also just saw that Lakshmi Narayana C‌ also mentioned this  He also mentioned an extra option to check. Any succes on that? I am out of other options.

Hi Rick,

I have checked there too and unfortunately there is nothing there either.

Even more annoyingly the workflow still processes the actions as it did before. The email is sent out to the listed of people in the SharePoint group, so I can't change it or add a new one (which will mean two emails get sent out).

Very frustrating and confusing..!!

Are workflows ok on other lists and libraries in your site?

Also, I noticed you are on Office 365.  By any chance did the Nintex Workflow for Office 365 app get removed from the site and then added back?  I've seen something similiar when a client deleted the Nintex app from the site and added it back.

Hi Paul Scyner‌,

Try to import workflow, give a different name and publish it again and now check whether your new workflow visible or not from List Tab --> Workflow Settings --> Manage Workflows with Nintex Workflow.


Lakshmi Narayana C

Hi Lakshmi Narayana C

Your idea to help kick started my memory on this issue. I published the new workflow and when i watched the process I then remembered how I had set this up. The first list is a selection process and the selected data goes to a second list as a new item. The 'missing' workflow is on the second list and not the first one.

I do apologise for being an idiot with this one.

Thanks to all for the helpful advice.



Hi ‌,

No worries. Any how you got to know why it happens, now it got resolved. Thanks..
