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I have a form variable in Nintex Forms O365. The variable calculates the total in my repeating sections. How do I display this number as currency, with commas and decimals? The formula works and does calculate the total correctly, I just don't like the way it's displayed.

I've added a screen capture of my variable. Please help! Thank you 🙂 






Hi cjwilson1009


Use currency form control on the form and use desired no of decimal places

Use rule that is always returns true to get the variable value in the control(you can make control read only)

Your variable type should be a decimal and not Integer

This is how you see this on the form with 2 decimals


Hope this helps 



Hi @cjwilson1009,


@ghaiashish is correct. The easiest way would be to populate a currency control. The other option would be to use a label with some formatting using variables. I have created a video showing some of the options available.



Hope that helps.


