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Hello All,


I have a task list where I was changing permissions as a new task was entered so that only the assigned to user could update their task and the site owners.  This was not working the way I wanted so I changed the list permissions and gave everyone full access and changed the workflow so that it changed the permissions after the user responded (completed) the task to a more restrictive view/edit.


I had to go back and update all the old tasks so that the everyone group had full access so that the users could see their tasks and respond.  Everything seemed ok but somewhere in 24ish hours the users who did nothing to their tasks had their tasks revert to my original restrictive settings.  No workflow has run, it was just a task item waiting for some input.


The oddest part is that I have seen this behavior before using designer workflows... I just chalked it up to some oddity with designer.  I had to delete the task list and recreate a new one without messing with the permissions to get it to work correctly in that case.


In this case, I have live workflows and tasks, not so easy.  Has anyone seen this behavior before?  Is there a fix?  I can't be running through all the "not started" tasks every day and updating the permissions manually just to have to do it again the next day.


Thanks for your help


Ok perhaps this issue is my fault.

I was assuming that when I run a worflow on an item that it only updates that item but perhaps update permissions is different.  The filters are "update all list item permissions" and "update items only when the following is true".  I left it at the default "update all list item permissions"... therefore it updated all the task items with the last permission configuration?

To test, I decided to write a one action workflow to change permissions.  This time selecting the filter "update items only when the following is true"

I only want to update permissions on list items where the task status field is equal to "Not Started"

Of course, my one action fails every time stating there is no column named "Not Started"

the logic seems pretty straight forward but I must not understand it.  Can you take a look and see what I'm doing wrong?

Hi Robert,

on your screenshot in the area "Update the items when column" you have put "{Current item: Task Status}" but this is NOT the name of the column but the value this column has on the item that workflow is running on ("Not started" in your case).

You have to change this value to the name of the column you want to check which is probably "Status" or something similar.



You're right.  I realized that last night and made the update.  Thank you for your help!
