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i want to add an extra row to nintex office 365 form. how do i do that ? . sorry it sounds like a basic question . I just started the trial.

controlling the form seems to be a difficult task , such as increasing the size of the rows , increasing the size of the whole forms etc.

can someone sent me a video or reference  of how to create multiple views for different users such as normal users, managers,directors  etc.

You just have to move the controls where you want to place them and then add new controls to the form where desired. Maybe this video can help: Creating a Simple List Form with Nintex Forms for SharePoint - YouTube 

You can change the size of the whole form in the "Form settings": Configuring form settings 

To define which user/groups can view which control you have to change the "Appearance" configuration of the controls in the following way (Manager = SharePoint permission group).

Hi Kannan Ahammed‌ -- Jan von Reith‌ has given you great advice regarding the ability to "create multiple views", as you've called it, but I get the feeling you may need some forms training prior to attempting this more advanced task!

I recommend TekDog (I do not work for them, I've just heard great things)

I remember when I first came into Nintex Forms and felt the same way. You can't think of it as an Excel sheet where you move things from cell to cell, but more like a PowerPoint slide where you can drag things around as you'd like, but to be aware of the borders of each item. Each item then has its own properties. 

What is the first form you will try to build, Kannan Ahammed‌ - can you tell us about it?



edit: I just went poking around, and found this which is a great place to start:    

This is about the THEORY behind designing a form, rather than building it out in NF, but still golden  

Thank you guys for the replays . We are in the process of testing this platform and yes it's is the first time I am creating a form. I got used to info path where I can move/drag things around and make it work. When I search around the ide I couldn't find an option or rather had a thought time moving the controls in the right place. I haven't really had a chance to have a look at the videos as I am on my weekend in Abu Dhabi . I will have a look at the videos and give you more feed back.

What am trying to creat a multi level state machine work flow, for each level there has to be different forms. For example normal user will see and fill some info, manager , director, HR, accounts will see and fill some extra data.



Get Outlook for iOS<>

Ah, I see... 

So what you MIGHT want to do is, instead, create panels and hide / show those dependent on who is looking using the logic Jan gave.

PANELS will let you drag and drop items into them, to keep them organized. So you may have an INFO panel, an HR panel, and so on, with different pieces. 

Here is some information:   


