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Ok I want to reveal a panel when I use select "Head Office"  in a list Look up.


List Look Up works fine.


Hide a panel based on a List Lookup Value.PNG


Panel Validation Rule based on List Lookup value.PNG


This doesn't seem to work. However, when I drag a Choice Drop down on to my canvas and change the above validation rule...then I can toggle hide/show of the same panel.


Hide show a panel with Dropdown named control.png


Is this something to do with my environment or is this more general?



Try to add a Calculated Value field, with value = Your lookup control value

You should see that, when selecting "Head Office", the real value is something like "2;#Head Office".

This explains why your test fails : with lookup columns, what you see is not really what you get.


I like this approach, unfortunately:


  • Title
  • Locations Term Set
  • TitleCalc    <---- just mirrors the Title column

Location Approvers

  • Name People field
  • Location Lookup on the Locations.Title
  • Can't create a calc column on  lookup column ;-(


Hey Daniel,

Thomas wants you to put a Calculated value control on your Nintex form and then configure that control in the way that it shows the value of the Lookup control. When you now select "Head Office" you'll notice that the value isn't "Head Office", instead there's the ID of the element, a semicolon and a hashtag before "Head Office".

If you use the following condition for example, it'll work.

Best regards,


@thomas @Jan

Thanks very much.... I have had to get up to speed with Nintex on Office 365 very quickly for this demo hence, my confusion as to what calc field you were both talking about .  I can now see what is in my calc field.

"1; #Head Office"  .

I think I can use this "debug" technique elsewhere in the form as I need to extract a name from a drop down and populate a list item people field

Thanks again.

