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I have my workspace below with 6 task under my inbox, the problem is when I clicked the task it shows nothing just a blank screen.

Is there any settings that I need to do, for your guidance?




Thanks in advance.



Is this occurring on all browsers? Have you tried refreshing the Task list? Maybe clearing the bowser cache might help?


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Are there any errors from Chrome/IE Developer Tool's Console tab? I ran into this similar thing a while back in my vm. At the time, i didn't want to spend too much time on it, I did an iisreset and a K2 Service restart, it got it going again. Perhaps, you can give it a try.



Thanks for all your reply. It is working on IE but not in my chrome.

Could be some setting in my chrome.


Really appreciate.






Which version of Chrome is installed on the machine?

Does it happen to every client machine? Are there any extra pluglins on Chrome? I would think that there will be something in the Chrome Dev tool's console tab. Could you re-check for any javascript error in the Chrome Console.
