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Hi Everyone,


I deployed a Process on Prod enviroment while testing i encounter this error "Worklist item could not be opened. 24411 K2:XXXxxx is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=169702_101".


This error occur while trying to open the form please note that this form has not been action.


Please assistance will be duly appreciated 

Hello  @DMI007 ,


PLeas ereview the content below:- 


Worklist item could not be opened. <user> is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=


Worklist Item could not be opened. 24411:


All the best.

Hi   @KagisoMasha,


Thanks for the feedback,


I did go through the documentation but in my case, the task is yet to be action.

 None of the users is yet to action the task, the error occurs that point when the form is open

Good day DMI007


Please see the following.

Error 26033 Worklist item xxxxx_xx not open for K2:DOMAINUser:,

“User Starts Workflow and it Remains in Task List, Also Administrators are Unable to release Workflow Instance”:,

"Using Custom Worklist to open OOF task fails":




Hi DMI007


This issue is related to the issue i once posted while ago, See the link below:




Hi  @Sunrise @KagisoMasha  @ElvisJacob ,


Thanks for the feedback....


I change the (Roles) that contain the users back to Orignator on the workflow still have the same error Worklists item could not be opened. 24411


Hi  @DMI007 ,


If you are using SmartForms to action a task, then you can capture these errors in a rule and then display an custom message.


You can add a form level rule with the event "When the Form is in Error" and then use an advanced condition to check the contents of the Error Message (Context Browser -> System Values -> Error).


For example, you can check if the error message contains 26030 and if so then display a custom error message. Another on to check is 24411, which from memory occurs when the task has been redirected.


All the best.

HI  @KagisoMasha 


If i have it done this way
"You can add a form level rule with the event "When the Form is in Error" and then use an advanced condition to check the contents of the Error Message (Context Browser -> System Values -> Error)."

Means the users will not be able to action the Task of which the users want to action the Task

Hi  @DMI007,


Let's start with basic troubleshooting to understand where the issue.

I know you stated that the task is still to be actioned. please get me the following information from the K2 Database or using the workflow reports smartobject


Select Status from [Server].[ProcInst]

where ID = 169702


Select Status,  User from [ServerLog].[ActInstDest]

Where ProcInstID = 169702

AND ID = 101


Screenshot of the form action configuration that opens the worklist item 



Hi  @Mustafa,


Kindly find the attached Screenshot Image for the form action configuration that opens the worklist item 


Select Status from [Server].[ProcInst]

where ID = 169702


ID: 169702

ProcID: 831

Status: 2



Select Status,  User from [ServerLog].[ActInstDest]

Where ProcInstID = 169702

AND ID = 101


ProcInstID: 169702


Status: 0




Hi  @DMI007 


Thank you, status are okay.

I noticed you have allocation enabled, we can check few other things here:


1- Go to the Management page > Workflow server > select your process then go to Task List tab 

Click search and make sure the task status is not allocated to a different user


2- Make sure that your form doesn't have duplicate of Open Worlist action of the same user task step/activity


3- Compare the user returned from the query provided earlier to the ActioneName in this table [Server].[Actioner] (Case sensitive)


Could you log a support ticket to help you resolve this issue quicker?



Hi  @Mustafa ,


Thanks for your time


The issue has been resolved 


I check the Anonymous Access box on form advance properties thats why is the error was occurring,

So i uncheck the Anonymous Access box the form is working fine now.


The issue has been resolved


Thanks, guys for your time

@KagisoMasha  @ElvisJacob  @Sunrise 

