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I have a two-part question about K2 workflows. We're using K2 5.2.


1) We have a workflow we'd like to have fire when a new item is added to a SharePoint list. Then, we would have a timer that waited until its Event Date + 1 day, then it would move the item to an archive list. I'd say an average of about 5 items are added each week, and they are kept for up to a year or so, so there would be an average of around 500 active workflow instances waiting for their next step at any given time. How would having that many active workflow instances affect the performance of our K2 service?


2) We have another workflow that moves any items in the same list that are marked as Rejected to the archive, which is kicked off when the edit form is submitted with a status of Rejected. If the items are marked Rejected and moved to the archive using this secondary workflow, how would that impact the active workflow instance mentioned above? When the event date passed, if they were already in that archive list, would they error out?


Thanks for your insight!


Hi KDettman,


Certainly there is a performance impact with running workflow instances, specifically long running ones.  While 500 is not really a huge number, in the larger ecosystem with other solutions running, it does pay to be efficient.

Would it perhaps be more efficient to create a worfklow that runs on a daily schedule, that checks the list and moves items appropriatley?  This workflow could potentially handle moving both cases of archived items and rejected items if they have a status that identifies which ones are rejected.




Hi Mike,


Thanks for the response! I don't have any experience starting K2 workflows on a schedule, but a quick search provided me with the following info:


I agree, this seems like it may be better solution to start one workflow like this instead of having two seperate ones, then run it daily or even weekly.


I appreciate the insight!

