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I am using Swagger 2.0. I have a field in the Response where 

type: string

format: date

What should be the format of this field so that it can be displayed succesfully.


Currently, the date is received in the format 13/12/2019 (DD/MM/YYYY). 

And when displaying in the list view, it throws an error "Encountered a problem calling REST service. (Inner: Could not convert string to DateTime: 13/12/2019. Path 'registerse11].receptionDateMetLife', line 1, position 3583.)


Can you please suggest what is the approach to resolve this error?





I can't say all ways you can write it on but can say a way that works.

Checked some REST that is up and running datetime in them is on format 


example data "20*personal details removed*T15:05.000Z"


tested "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", works as well.



