Function in web service has an error when trying to connect to the K2 host server,
It shows the message "Authentication with the server failed" always.
If the K2 service user is "DomainXXUserXX",
I found the error logs below in the Host server logs.
"Error","Communication","8130","ConnectionPacketError","SourceCode.SocketService.Legacy::HandlePacket","8130 Error processing message from xxxx Authentication With Server Failed : The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to
at SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostSecurityManager.AuthenticateWindowsSession(String sessionCookie, String connectionString, String authReqSource)
at SourceCode.SocketService.Legacy.LegacySession.Authenticate(ArchiveX incomingPacket, MarshalMessageType messageMarshalType)
at SourceCode.SocketService.Legacy.LegacySession.<HandlePacketAsync>d__22.MoveNext()
"Error","General","1","GeneralErrorMessage","K2Worker.AuthConStr","1 Authentication failed for user DomainXXUserXX
It seems like the K2 service user has locked because if time passes from the error time about 30 minutes. It works fine.
Have a solution to solve this issue or not. If the web service set authentication is anonymous, is it possible to cause this problem or not?
I have surely not had type in the wrong user password. The authentication has occurred in web service.
Please help to advise. Thank you in advance.