When a view is created from SMO or take an empty view. In the view settings opt for Add New Row button and also opt for the Editable list.
In the event "When the view executed List Item Added" validate the controls/fields while adding a new row.
When a view is created from SMO or take an empty view. In the view settings opt for Add New Row button and also opt for the Editable list.
In the event "When the view executed List Item Added" validate the controls/fields while adding a new row.
Good day sthurangi
Please find guidance below:
Simple way to validate each row in a list view on a form: https://community.k2.com/t5/K2-Blackpearl-Forum-Posts/Simple-way-to-validate-each-row-in-a-list-view-on-a-form/td-p/99911,
How To: Use Regular Expressions to Validate Control Values: https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2five/userguide/5.3/default.htm#How-Tos/ValidateForm/Add-Form-Validation.htm,
Editable List View: http://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2forsharepoint/UserGuide/current/default.htm#Editable_List_View_Layout.html,
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