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Hi all,


What is the correct way of applying security to a Category.


Lets use this example, say i have a category structure like this:






I only want HR to see their own Category and no other Category, whether that is a parent category or a sibling category.


I tried deny All Users all rights (except execute) at the Forms level, then allow HR all rights on their HR Category only? HR should be able to create and deploy and only see their own workflows.


When i apply this, the Forms folder is hidden, so there is no way to get to the HR category.


If i enable All Users View rights on the top level Forms, then anyone could do a SAVE AS on a form and save it into the HR category, which is no good.


Is there a proper way to do this? (the only way i can think off is a Top level category for each department which is messy when not under a folder structure.


Any ideas???



Good day   @Sharpharp1,

I have reproduced this issue on my side and have noticed that the "edit rights" do not work as expected when using K2 5.2 this was identified as an issue within the designer environment, however, upon further research within the K2 5.3 document it's stated:
And expand the new features category, there is a heading which says “Security and Governance”. which describes that improved security in the K2 environment has been implemented by controlling who can Create SmartObjects, views, and forms including categories in the K2 designer.

I then upgraded my environment to K2 5.3 and the rights work exceptionally well, I have tried this using a K2 5.3 environment  and here are my results: 

(1) I gave rights to all my users on the main category:

(2) I configured group 1 to have these rights:

(3) I configured my second group to have these rights:

(4th) After applying these securities rights and I  navigated to the designer as the user who has access rights to group 1

(5th) When navigating through to designer as the user or group was given rights to the second group:

In this regard, I believe this is what you are trying to achieve.

Please note though that this works in K2 5.3 if you are using k2 5.2 I would kindly advise you to upgrade to K2 5.3

Kindly feel free to mark as “Accepted solution, kudo and/me too

If you find this information answered your question or leads to your answer.

Thank you and kind regards,


K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member.



Hi Dumisani

Just a quick reply to say thanks for going the extra mile with this step by step example.

Much appreciated

Thanks much appreciated,

and kind regards.
