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I am getting below error when execute SQL plan table smo from azure db.

reference to database and/or server name is not supported in this version of sql server


any idea?



Please try set 'Use Native SQL Execution' to 'false' on your SQL servicr instance and testing again. it should resolve this issue.




Please have a look at some of the  possible ways of going about the solutifon:


Unable to a connect to SQL Server Instance when connecting through Azure SQL Service


SQL script error during installation of 4.7 CU (TRY_CONVERT is not a recognized)



Based on the symptoms above, you may need to verify the records in the column mentioned in the error message. (Check for empty values or values in the wrong format) as one "bad record" is enough for the List method to fail.)

The fact that other methods are working indicates that there are no issues with the SmartObject itself, but rather a problem caused by data.  You can resolve this by deleting the incorrect entry / entries.





Hope this helps you.

Hi ProInception


This issue has been resolved by setting the service instance to use SQL native execution. The impact of this is to help with the performance of SQL based smart objects. You can have a look at the video below in regards to this.



