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While doing the configuration of SMTP, I am facing an issue and am still unable to solve the issue,  I am unable to send the email. The error message is "There is no Connection String For the destination email".

Check the log files in the Host Serverin folder - there may be more details on the actual error there.
I assume you have K2 installed on a server that is a member of an AD domain and you are using a domain account for the K2 Server service.
Do you have the same email address set up on that K2 Server account, just the "mail" attribute in AD?
Then I remember there was probably a Fix Pack for such a problem, but I can't find the article now.

"5661335","2022-10-06 18:27:18","Error","General","0","ErrorMessage","SourceCode.Workflow.Common.SmtpMail","0 SMTP mail send failure: Verify the SMTP connection strings are correct and that SMTP is working properly. Exception: Failure sending mail.","anonymous","","LANT-V-Nintex:C:Program FilesK2Host ServerBin","5661335","a1317e94ef7b499d898b1c7d869654c7",""
"5661336","2022-10-06 18:27:18","Error","General","28083","ExtenderExecuteError","ProcessInstance.HandleException","28083 ServerEvent: There is no connection string for the destination email address ***************************
