Hi, I’m having trouble on how to permanently fix this problem.
In my workflow i used a smartobject to create references to be used on an approval system. In k2 Designer, i set the task user to username in the references, picture below:
after that then i deploy the workflow to test it. However what happened is that it uses a different mapping than what it supposed to be. picture below:
this is the JSON data that is returned:
"Username": "jarjit",
"ApprovalNo": 0,
"Nik": "2024",
"FullName": "Jarjit",
"Email": "jarjit@gmail.co.id",
"PositionCode": "TRBA1",
"BranchCode": "00",
"BranchName": "HO",
"companyCode": "FNCE",
"menuCode": "CMT1124",
"paramDateExp": 72
It used the positionCode data instead of username.
Is there any solution / fix for this particular problem?