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To monitor the use of our K2 platform, we would like to run a report of all users that have logged in on the K2 platform. 

We would like to see the following data:

User FQN; User Display Name; Last Log In Date or DateTime


We have found some data but we can't get all the right datafields together. Does anyone know how to do this? 

(we have both AD and a custom identity provider)




Hi Mark,

If suitable, you may consider using a SmartObject to keep record of the users accessing your K2 applications. Smartforms has the System Values > Current User object under the Context Browser which you can use to keep track of users (FQN, Display Name) and System Values > Current Date to log the date and time when they opened your form. 

Hi MdenHeijer,


Perhaps you can use the Management site's Licenses Users for this scenario. 

In your case, users who have connected to K2 will show up here.


Actually this comes close to what we are looking for. Do you know which smo is behind this view 'users'? In the database I have found that the view is "com.K2.System.Management.View.LicensingUsers", but through the designer I cannot find it. It seems as if they are hidden ( I already have show system objects on).


I would like to intersect this with my own data (users per project) so I can make an overview of usage per project. If this is not possible, does anyone know a way to export this data to excel, or if you know which table / stored procedure corresponds to this I would be happy to hear that.


greetz mark



Maybe you can use the Licensed User SmartObject for this.
