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Dear All,


In the K2 Five Management site the users' Out of office overview is now limited to 10 users per page (server/Management/#UserManagement/OutOfOffice).

Is there a possibility to increase the number of users shown in one page?


Thanks for your input.

Hello  @rdg 


Unfortunately the request made is not possile. The out office page in management only diplays 10 users per page as per k2 product design.


However, you can log this great idea on the ideas site


You can also learn more about K2  out of office here here


All the best.

This might help you. You can directly check in databse if you have access.



You can use a system smartobject to get a list of all the OOF users.

In the category System/Management/Users/SmartObjects/Out Of Office User - in the image below i'm running the SMO from smartobject service tester but you can run it from management as well. The ShareType for OOF is 1.





