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I have a SmartObject that does not appear in Package and Deploy Tool.

The SmartObject is present in SmartObject Service Tester.

I am not able to package and deploy the app using the SmartObject.

The problem is the PayspaceEmployeePosition SmartObject in the pics below.

This is in K2 5.2.


Any ideas or advice?




Hello  @Chrisvdm ,


Here are ways you can go about fixing your issue:


1. Recreating the ID's in the SmartObjects and updating the views to use the new ID's resolved the issue.


2. When the customer is able, please have them apply the latest FixPack to see if that prevents the issue from occurring in the future. Additionally, as a workaround please remove all SmartObject rule executions in the form/view level rules that reference the SmartObject from the error message, save and check-in, then re-add the rules to reset the references.


3.Error with Package and Deployment - SmartObject could not be found:


All the best


Good day  @Chrisvdm 


Please note that in order to get rid of that error you need to get a script from support. I recommend that you log a support ticket to get the script.




Hi Chrisvdm


Normally this error appear when you deleted field propertis and you decide to keep reference in Addition to what @Sunrise said you need to log a support ticket and they have a script to clean your environment.




Hi  @Chrisvdm ,


Could you perhaps share how the PayspaceEmployeePosition SmartObject was created? Keep in mind that "System" SmartObjects will show not in P&D. To verify, run the following query against your K2 database and check the TypesXML column:


Select * from [K2].[SmartBroker].[SmartObject] where Name = "PayspaceEmployeePosition"


If it is a System object, you will see <type name="system" />. 




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