Hi @psapkota;
I suggest you should also check if the control properties ensure is enabled(http://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/K2Five/UserGuide/5.3/default.htm#How-Tos/SetControlProperties/HowToUseSetControlPropertiesAction.htm) , also the if the "Enable list editing" option is enable for list to(Create, Update, Delete methods are enabled in the configuration automatically as well), as shown in the attached screenshot.
Additionally: To transfer data to a subform interaction, please dive into this designer rules(http://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/K2Five/UserGuide/5.3/default.htm#Create/K2Designer/Rules/RuleActions.htm).
Kind regards;
Hi Widson,
Actually the whole sale detail section is a repeating section and each item has it's own multiple attachments.
That is from infopath, where we had the ability to add repeating section within one repeating section. As in smartforms, list views are used, is it possible to have each item in the list view to have multiple attachments? And I only want to create all the items upon submit button, not using the save buttons in the editbale list views.
How can we achieve that?
Hi Sunrise,
Thanks for your response. However, what I'm trying to achieve here is a nested list view.
I have a main editable list view and each item in the list view should have another list view to add multiple attachments.
I tried using subform/subview to upon item click where I could have that list view for attachments, but everytime I apply changes and close the subview, all the details entered in the subview is gone. How can I relate the subview list attachments to that item in the main list view?