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  • I have a List View which has conditional formatting on a column
  • The formatting is based on the value from the SMO attached to the picker control (i.e. Red, Yellow or Purple)
  • When entering the information on the row, everything works as expected


  • The user clicks Save (This Saves edited/created/deleted rows and then performs a List Refresh).
  • All rows use the conditional formatting of the last edited row


  • When refreshing the web page or re-entering the Form everything displays as normal
  • I have tried executing the initialise method after the List Refresh (this makes no difference)


  • Is it not possible to do conditonal formatting against a list control on a List View?








Hello  @ConradMc, 


You should be able to perform the conditional formatting that you have described here. There are two things that you will want to confirm to unsure this works as expected. 

  • The first thing is to make sure that the property that is using the drop-down list has an association configured to another SmartObject containing the options for the drop-down. Looks like you have already done this but I figured I would mention it.

  • Next you will want to be sure that you are builing your conditions using the SmartObject data that is behind the list view itself. Looks like you're currently pulling from the drop-down lists data source which I believe is why you are seeing them all change to the most recent condition that has been met. (See ConditionDataSource.png for reference)




I was hoping to use a field against the drop down for configuration purposes (as it was essentially a lookup table with 3 columns, the third being the colour), but as this only half works I have done the condition against the value of the List View SMO.


This way works. Thanks
