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is there any guide to use multiple smartobjects on single form?

I'm currently using shp 2013 with K2 Five and trying to use multiple lists. 




We have customer requests object with over 500 attributes. We want to cut this object to multipe sharepoint lists = multiple smartobjects. But we want to use main list where we will use smartforms. This smartform (new, edit, view) will collect, create, edit all the data from other lists that are associated with object. Association will be One To One To One etc. 

I've tried using save button rule where I picked action to populate data to another smartobject. But that is not really practical when you have 10 smartobjects. And when I delete object (listItem) in sharepoint then on other lists listItem will stay there. Is there any way to make my life easier?


Thanks for any response. 

Hello Zemcak,


Yes, we can utilize multiple SmartObjects on one form, however, the scenario you described seems to be closer to Advanced SmartObjects. Bascially we can create 1 SmartObject that has access to multiples, and set up methods that interact with all the others. 

For example, we have 3 SmartObjects A, B C. We also have SmartObejct Master, which wil tie them all together.


The Master SmartObject will have your normal Create Read Update Delete methods. We will edit each of these methods to also Create, Read, Update etc. on the other smartobjects as well. Please see the following documentation on Advanced SmartObjects below.

