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Hi all,

I wanted to raise the topic of Accessibility to K2 forms for users with disabilities.


I recently had a very informative meeting with colleagues about how we present our webpages/forms to users with disabilities (visual, hearing etc). As part of this meeting, we tested some of our K2 forms to see how the following software interacts with K2:

Windows 10 Narrator (built-in)
Read n Write Gold
Dolphin SuperNova
Dragon Dictate.


With the Windows Narrator and Read n Write, the software works by speaking out any highlighted text by the mouse.

So first we tried with regular Microsoft Word documents and they dictated vey well.

Next up was some of my K2 Forms...... So we highlighted some text on the form (The word "Hello"). Instead of dictating the word "Hello", the Windows 10 Narrator and other software both said "Table, Column 1, Read Only, Hello"...

1) Why does Dictation and Special needs software read the actual structure of the table?
Has anyone come across this before?
Is there any Accessibility options that K2 include in the K2 Package? We are on K2 v4.7, is K2 Five any different?

2) My second questions is "Colour contrast", is there a way to switch colour in K2?
So for example, some websites like this - have an option at the Top of the website, where the User can select a colour contrast theme from a couple of selection boxes at the top - This helps to make the screen/webpage/Form easier to read for some people...


I know provide compatibility with many Internet browsers etc, but i've never seen anything on Accessibility for disabilities. Is there any documentation on this anywhere?


Would appreciate some feedback on this from customers and K2 themselves, as I always put 100% into Form design such as Font sizes, form layout and structure, and now want to ensure the K2 forms are user friendly for users with disabilities/impairments.

Kind Regards,

Good day



I have looked into some documents about accessibility, the documents contain information that can be of help.


K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member.


Kind regards

Hi Thabang,

Thanks for the info, I had a look at both of those documents, however neither of them answer both of my questions...

1) The only reference in the documents to question 1, is alternate text in pictures...
I need screen reading software to read the text, not the undelying table structure

2) If i create a theme, K2 applies that theme across the board to all forms. I'm asking for the ability for users to select their contrast settings from a choice of 4 themes when the form has loaded...

Can this be followed up please...
