Hi @JKM_Duncan ,
This is not available as a seperate installer. You would need to run the K2 Blackpearl setup manager, on the Select Components screen, select K2 for Visual Studio under Client Components then proceed to complete the setup. Please see our documentation:
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Thanks for the reply but that is in contradiction with https://help.k2.com/kb001535
which specifically mentions an installation package for VS2012, unless i'm missing something.
I am currently not in a position to change the version of VS used for the legacy processes hence the need to find an install for the software used when the processes were initally creted.
Hi @JKM_Duncan ,
The installation package in the link shared is for older versions of K2 (4.6.3 and 4.6.4). May I just clarify on which version of K2 do you have installed?
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Hi Kimberly,
Sorry about slow reply, with regards you question of installed version this is what i have:
The version numbers have always confused me but that is as per the installed programs in control panel.
FYI.. I can create new processes in VS 2010 however i need to edit existing processes/projects which were last edited in VS2012 and i am unable to find the install for VS2012... I did previously have it all working but no longer have the install for Vs2012.