I assumed this is a SQL service instance that you are using in your solution. In this case, the SQL service instance must manually create in production. Service instance are only packed by reference with Package and Deploymen tool, see link below.
Included and Excluded Artifacts section.
Hi - I would recommend against changing your service instances to point to the production environment, as that will immediately impact the smart objects you were using for development. Think of the service instance as your "Connection String" configuration for your smart objects that use it. If you want the same K2 server to talk to both a dev and prod SQL database simulataneously, you would need to register two different service instances (one for each database). This is not recommended though, as you would have to duplicate the SmartObjects and then all of the forms/workflows that consume them to have the DEV and PROD version. Do you have a seperate K2 server for Prod? If so, I can offer better advice on how to promote your components between environments.
Hello there, we are busy trying to find a solution for a customer who is faced with a similar scenario as described above... I would be very grateful if you are keen to share your tips for the scenario as mentioned for : "Do you have a seperate K2 server for Prod? If so, I can offer better advice on how to promote your components between environments." Thanks so much :-)
Hi Sanet,
I'm not the person who posted above but I might still be able to answer your question. Do you have two separate K2 environments (i.e. Dev w/ copy of Prod Database, and Prod)? If you are wanting to develop SmartObjects in Dev against a copy of the Prod database, you can then use Package and Deployment to copy the SmartObjects from one environment to the next. You will need to register a service instance in Prod against the Production SQL database and map the service instance in the package accordingly during deployment. (see P&D documentation for more info: https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2five/userguide/5.3/default.htm#PackageAndDeploy/Package-and-Deploy.htm%3FTocPath%3DCreate%7CDeploying%2520K2%2520applications%7C_____0) This will automatically update the Forms/Views/Workflows to use the existing Production SmartObjects that are pointed to the Prod SQL service instance.
If that's not quite the scenario you're looking for, can you clarify what your current scenario is?