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hi friends,

Good day

We get below error while trying access K2 App in the SharePoint list ribbon.

“Unexpected response from server. The status code of response is '500'. The status

text of response is 'System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException'.”


To get rid of this error, we tried following options,

  • We cleared log file(s) in both K2 Five and SharePoint Server.
  • We cleared the memory and restarted the SQL server.
  • We restarted the K2 Five and SharePoint Servers.

But we still getting the same error response.  Is there any options to clear this error?


Hello  @yasar 

Please have a look at the content below:-


Error when trying to access the K2 for SharePoint application:



K2 for SharePoint App Issue : Cant access it outside the K2 server:



K2 Task list not loading in production server and Even K2 for SharePoint App also not loading:


All the best

Hi  @yasar ;


Are you on MS sharepoint 2013, as other articles mentioned as it's a bug, Hower please dive into the follwing steps to resolve the issue(




Hi Yasar


Resetting IIS on the server that hosted SP and k2 should resolved the issue.



