Hello @hwagener ,
@hwagener wrote:
Hi All,
I am reading through the product documentation as we have a requirement for users to be able to create workflows for specific scenarios in the application. There are some stringent rules the use needs to adhere to that we cannot enforce in K2 designer (activities need to be in a very specific sequence and we cannot rely on the user adhere to these rules so they must be system enforced)
The only way I can imagine doing this is with the autoring API and a sevice broker.
My question is: Is the current authoring API still valid for 5.3 and is it supported by K2.
Kind regards,
Yes it is seems to be valid.
Design-time (Authoring) APIs and Services : The design-time APIs allow developers to programmatically author and publish K2 artifacts such as workflows and SmartObjects. The available design-time APIs are described further in the sections listed below..
Good day helgi
Please check out the following links, and take note of the “Caution” which says : “This content applies to legacy components---. These legacy items may also not be available, supported, or behave as described, in future updates or versions of K2”.
Workflow Authoring Samples: https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/K2Five/DevRef/5.3/default.htm#Designtime/WF-Samples.htm,
K2 Product Support and Release Strategy: https://help.k2.com/k2releasestrategy#Legacy.
Quoted from the final link above:
API Support Policy
When at all possible, K2 will minimize the impact of API changes to attempt to maintain backwards compatibility with previous K2 releases. However, K2 reserves the right to make breaking changes in Major and Minor releases. K2 will not introduce breaking changes in CUs and FPs. Wherever possible, breaking changes in APIs will be described in that version's release notes. If you use APIs that have changed in your custom code, you may need to update custom code to cater for possible breaking changes.
The web-based Workflow Designer, introduced in K2 Five, is the only workflow design canvas that will be receiving new features. For APIs, we will be investing in the REST-based APIs. No legacy component will receive additional features. If there are features in the legacy components that are not yet in the newer versions, please log your feedback to ideas.k2.com for prioritization. We have no plans on removing or deprecating the APIs, but we reserve the right in the future as the functionality of the new features meets or exceeds the legacy component.
No its not valid for 5.3. It says in the documentation that it's only valid for 4.7 not clean installs of K2 Five, that this is legacy functionality. So if you have upgraded from 4.7 to K2 Five then it should work.
But I have noticed that some things can work anyway in a clean installed K2 Five so you could have a go and try it and see if you can use the dll-files.