Is there a way with rules to convert or caste AD Name into AD Display Name?
Hi All I hope you have a good weekend.
I have a people picker tied to the AD User Smart Object. Using the system value Name returns domain/username. I figured out how to make the picker display the display name but I need to copy the name to several text boxes in the process. Using Transfer Data rule, results in the domainusername being copied. Is there a way to caste the username into the display name with rule, box properties, or expressions?
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Hi Jaswerl,
The value of the picker control isn’t really relevant. You can use any value to identify a user (domain/username, display name, email, etc). In your transfer rule, you need to select the display name to display the user’s name:
I used a button called “Load” to transfer the name, the results are:
Here is a screenshot of my picker control:
Hope this helps :)
Kind Regards
Hi Prineet,
Thanks for the feedback. I did that for the picker and the display name displays. But I’m copying the value before the data is saved to the smart object.
Hi Jaswert,
The picker control reads data from a smart object and the transfer rule basically takes whatever that value is and transfers it into a textbox. I’m not sure what you mean by “copying the value before the data is saved to the smart object”, as nothing gets stored into the smart object before, during or after the transfer. Please post screenshots of what you are trying to do if possible.
Kind Regards
hi Prineel I replied to this topic twice but the comments don’t appear here.