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We have created a new K2 5 workflow that we have deployed. It got deployed under the wrong category and we are trying to figure out how to move it to the right category. (Workflow to HR) You would think this would be an easy thing to do but we can't figure out how. The documentation references a Save As feature but that appears to only exist currently in the K2 5 Cloud Version, update 7.  Is that not available in k2 5.2 yet? If not, how do we move it there?

Notice in my test, there is no Save As option.





Are you able to just click and drag the workflow into another category?


Hi GuyWig,


One way is to update the Folder name directly in the [K2].[HostServer].[SecurityLabel] table using the following query:


Update [K2].[Server].[ProcSet] 

set Folder = '<Desired folder>'

where ID = '<ID of workflow>' 


This will move the workflow to the desired location under K2 Management > Workflow Server > Workflows. 


*Please create a backup of your K2 database before making any modifications. 


K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member.

Good day GuyWig


You can move the workflow by following the steps mentioned below:


1Right Click on the workflow to be moved (HRRehire in your case) and click on the "Move To" option.


Kind Regrds 



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