Is it possible to initialize an item view from scratch after a selection within a control of another view?
I have following situation:
I have a form which contains 2 views.
The second view is shown depending on the selection within a drop down within the first view.
The second view initially has all controls hidden.
Depending on the selection within the first view, the second view is shown and specific controls are shown.
When chaning the selection within the first view again, the second view is shown and specific controls are shown.
The problem now ist, that the controls which were shown by the first selection are still shown and now too many controls are shown.
I would like to "reinitialize" the second view on selection within the first view from scratch so that the hidden states of the controls are reset. I would like that the second view is always initializing "fresh" with all the initial hidden states.
Is that possible?
I do not want to hide every control manually, because there are a lot of controls within that second view and there is no bulk hiding available!