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Evaluating the maintenance impact when reusing SmO across different view/forms

If a SmartObject is shared with 5 different SmartForms and an additional field is added to the SmartObject, do all 5 SmartForms need to be updated to extend the view even though only 1 form would use the new field?


That's the take away from:


Impact of editing and deleting SmartObjects

Editing and then saving a SmartObject creates a new version of the SmartObject. If you've used the SmartObject in a view, for example, you must make changes to the view to include the changes made to the SmartObject. For example, if there is a view called Region Details which uses the Region SmartObject, when you edit the SmartObject to include a new property such as Cost Center Code is added, you must update the Region Details view to also include the new property.

Good day PYao

You don't have to update every view you can only update the view that would need the extra field that gets added to the SmartObject. I have quickly run a test on my side and all the views still work perfectly if I update the SmartObject with an extra property. The meaning of that documentation is that the SmartObject can be updated but the view would only use the properties of the smart object related to the current fields in that view. In other words, If you update the SmartObject the view will still only use the needed properties and the view would not automatically get updated with the new field after the Smart Object has been updated. If this is still somewhat unclear, let me know and I will add screenshots for better understanding.

I hope this helps. would you be so kind as to mark this post as Accepted Solution or Kudo if this information answers your question? Thank you.

Best Regards
