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I have problem with my process in K2Workflow. I have editable list view and user can send form with empty field, because when u had more than 2 items and u click on list row which is correct, my rules dont validate evry single row in list. How validate evry row in editable list? More over you can add an item with emty auto complete field if u just click on another item. 

You can create a "Validate" rule that loops through all rows in your list and check that they all have valid values and prevent the form from submitting if they do not. Let me know if that gets you pointed in the right direction or if you need more details.

An alternative would be to use a sub-view or sub-form for the adding/editing of records. That way you can implement the standard required field validation (and any other validation) of the record before it is added to the list view.


It didn't work, maybe I made the wrong rule. 

Can you help me?


What part didn't work? What does that Advanced Condition look like, I assume it is testing values from the SmartObject context as that represents the current row in the loop

This is advanced condition

and as u see if u click on the row which is correct still u can send form with empty auto complete control. 


Did you drag that field on the left side from the "SmartObject" context? It should not be a control, but a field on the SmartObject
But this rule work in case when I click on the row which have empty field, but I want to validate all row's even not chosen. So I'm in the same place without your "validate rule" because this rule don't validate all record's but only record's i one click, and they are chosen.

Even if I drag field from "smartobject" rule don't work.


I think I see what is happening - it looks like you are looping through each value in an autocomplete control. What you want to do is loop through each item in the list view. Please see the attached steps
