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I have the scenario that user to select the language and based on language selection, I need to change the text box user setting to language selection.

All this happened in radio button, So I need dynamic change based on Radio button list change event.



Please guide or help me on this

Hi Gelli2016,


When you apply styles to a control, the display value of that control changes to the format.


Please see link below based on Style:


Kind Regards



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Yes! I agree to change the format. But I could not able to change the format dynamically. for Ex:


on button clicked

set control properties (say text box) where the style field is disabled for me.



Hi Gelli2016,


Perhaps this could help solve your issue, Runtime controls style formatting changes introduced with K2 smartforms 1.0.6,please click here


Kind Regards



NOTE: K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member.
