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I am usin K2 Five to designe a workflow.


I have a basic need, i have to put in a data filed a Date that is formated in a French culture.

If the date is 2019/3/31, then my data field has to be in the following format: mars 2019.

I am using the built-in fuction Format Date and Time and i set up the  format  to be MMMM yyyy.

This results with: March 2019. So i need this to be in French format.


Is there a way to do this?



Hi ZoltanM


kindly see the following steps to change from English to french format.

Go to IIS > Navigate to .NET Globalization and change the UI culture to french or the needed UI Culture.

For more information on this issue, kindly see the attached link below:

You need to do both IIS reset and K2 service restart and on the levels also you need change on Top Servicename level and k2 Site .


Should you find the information from the article useful or leading you to the answer please mark as "Solution and/or Kudo", as it will assist other k2 developers with relevant information in the near future.


Best Regards



>K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member]

Hi K2 Dev;


Please check out with this formal doc here(




Hi ZoltanM


On Addition of what i said above if your using chrome you might have some difficulties because crome does not use geographic location like other browsers please see the link below




Thanks for the answer.
This user guide is for views or forms.
I have this issue in K2 workflow design.
Thanks for the answer.
At this moment this is not possible for me to change the IIS settings. Currently i am not sure how it would affect the services with the different culture.

Good day ZoltanM


Baced on my understanding of the issue, you would like fto format the date on the grounds of which culture is the user. For this I would suggest a Language pack, This view the language of the users browser and format accordingly. For more information view this article and give special attention to the "Note" block:


If this response solved your problem please remember to mark it as a Kudo or Solution. This will show other users that this response is the answer to their question and they can just follow the solution accordingly.


Best Regards



>K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member]

Hi  ZoltanM


IT seems like this idea is not yet implemented, You can vote for this Idea on the attached link below


Should you find the information from the article useful or leading you to the answer please mark as "Solution and/or Kudo", as it will assist other k2 developers with relevant information in the near future.


Best Regards




It would be better if i could define the culture (like in one line in C# dateTime.ToString("MMMM yyyy", new CultureInfo("fr-FR"))), but yes, it can be based on users culture as well.
Unfortunately, there is no Language pack for K2 Five 5.3 in the download section...

Good day ZoltanM


The language pack is not K2 version specific according to our documentation(see compatibility matrix below).  You can navigate to this link and select download.


Compatability matrix:


Hope this helps, if indeed so, you can mark this post as a Kudo as well.


Best Regards

