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is anyone aware of how to show the email Display Name when sending emails from K2 Five.

Currently the emails just show the email address i.e. *personal details removed*

We would like the email Display Name to show up in outlook instead i.e. 'K2 Live' looks much neater and friendlier. 


Many thanks,

Hello  @jeffw ,


You  may need to configure the subject of the email step:

Take a look at how:


Please let me know if you manage.

Good day jeffw


Please see the following too.

“How to create picker control to search domain user or local active directory users”:,

Picker Control:,

K2 Tutorial: Leave Request (Basic) – Build:




Hi and thank you very much for your responses.


from the leave request i can see that the Display Name of K2 Service is displayed in outlook

which is what we are looking to achieve. 

We have the display name set up correctly in Active Directory for the K2 service account but is not coming through on the emails.

Initial thoughts are this is either a bug in the version of K2 Five we have or a configuration change is required.

Thanks again.

Good day  @jeffw 


Could you please confirm for me that when you go to the properties of that account, you can see the Display Name you want to see as shown in the image named “AccountProperties”? I made a test and the e-mail received in the inbox showed display names and not e-mail like you are experiencing (see images named “TestDisplayName01” and “TestDisplayName02”).


Also go through the following.

String Table:,

“Change default from address”:,

“From Email Address Aliasing”:




You can also install the latest fixpack found here as i assume you are K2 (5.3)


Also log a support ticket on this issue here:





yes can confirm this. Will send the image through on the Support ticket that was raised.


Many thanks
