I've got a drop-down list that with a Smart Object as the data source. The Value is the ID of the object. This field is required, but I don't want it to default to a specific option.
What I want to do is, if the person has not selected a value, it surrounds the ddl with a red border. As soon as they select a value, it changes the value to green.
Conditional formatting is the answer, right? Well....
I've set the default format to a surround of red border and, if the ID of the selected item is > 0 (I've also tried checking if the ID has a value), then change the border to green.
It sorta works. What happens is that, as soon as I select the first real value, it doesn't change to green. As soon as I select the 2nd (or 3rd or 4th etc.) value it does change to green. But if I go back and select the empty value, it doesn't change back to Red.
It's like the ddl is behind by one when updating the format. Am I missing somethign easy? How can I get it to update the format everytime the value changes?