Hi there @Bastien_T
I just did a bit of research of my own on this by doing a reproduction of what you did up there and i was able to solve this issue.
Below are the steps i followed to solve this issue after adding a field in the SO.
- Delete the reference that already exists.
- Deploy the workfow
- When deployment is done drag the create reference event
- Then configure the create reference event(choose the smartObject , then List method and identifier to be Id of the smartobject)
- then scroll down to output mappings and press the create
After this steps I was able to achieve it.
Have a look at the screenShot for reference
Let me know is it helps
Hello Hulisanin,
Thank you for answering. I think I understood that was wrong.
Some of the fields were not in the SQL DB so I managed to create them in SO but the methods were not up to date and I had to remap in each methods.
Thanks for having a look :)
Hi @Bastien_T
Just to add
- You can also just add the extra fields in SQL DB,
- then in the management site, refresh your service instance
- After that in your designer site you can then update you smartObjects.
I am not 100% sure but I think that you will have to still remap the references in the workflow