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Can any one help me to understand the delegate work list items in K2 5.3. when I have delegated my worklist, how does it works.? will delegate user gets all permissions from the actual user or  do i need to give category execute permission.

how to impersonate the actual user permission to delegate user. 




Hi  @Thriveni ,


When a task is delegated, this means that you are allowing another user to action the task as well. Think of it as creating a copy of a task so that either the allocated user or the delegated user can action the task.






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Hi Kim.

Thank you for your response.


What if the delegate user is not having access on Smart form.

does the actual user permission will impersonate here.




Hi Thriveni,


Delegating tasks to specific users will also grant them with the permissions needed to perform the task.  I did a test with this to confirm:


I created a workflow that contains a generic user task and deployed a new version of it.  The task showed up in my inbox in K2 Workspace.  I also have a user that is completely locked out of the Category this workflow is in (full 'Deny' rights).  I then shared my task with this user who has Deny rights, and they were able to successfully action the task.  So, to answer your question, permissions should not matter as they will carry over to the shared user.  I hope this helps.



Thank you.

I have tested and delegated with the user, which has workflow rights which is 

showing exception that the User is not having Execute rights on 'Workflow' view.

and tested the same way which user is not having access on the form is showing that you are not authorised to the form and views.

attached error screen shots.




Hi Chruff.


Thank you for the information.

We are looking at worklist delegation and not the task sharing. if I have configured out of office user and all the worklist will be shown in delegate user inbox. when delegate user click on the task, then it is showing an error that he is not authorized.

and we tested by sharing task from the management, but when delegate user clicks the task it is going to un authorised page unless until he has access to respective form.


I would like to know, does K2 will handle the permission when we delegate or share the tasks or do we need to add permission to delegated user explicitly.







Hi Kimberly.


Thank you for below information.


Understood that the allocated user or the delegated user can action the task. I just want to know that the delegated user will get the permissions same like allocated user when the task is delegated?



